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The Collective

Our highly skilled artisans have gained international acclaim for their creation of stunning life-size elephant sculptures, which are captivating audiences worldwide. Each elephant is an anatomically perfect replica of a real wild elephant that they know by name and personality

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Research & Design

The idea of migrating herds of elephants around the world, to inspire and fund coexistence, was conceptualized by Ruth Ganesh & Tarsh Thekaekara and designed by Shubra Nayar. With Ruth’s niche experience in imagining and delivering major art events around the world for conservation; Tarsh’s expertise in Asian elephants, invasive species and coexistence and Shubhra's experience with larger-than-life puppetry and performance design, they have spent years refining the project to bring their vision to life. The project is made possible by the extensive on-ground research from The Shola Trust around elephants, their unique personalities and the people with whom they share space. Each elephant has been intricately crafted thanks to the foundational support from Ranjini Janaki, Kutty, Subhash Gautam, Tariq Thekaekara and many others on the team.

Coexistence Story
elephant family



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Coexistence Consortium
The Great Elephant Migration
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